Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The beauty which is a butterfly emerges from the caterpiller and the girl who feels she has matured into a lady and is proud of what she has become will be attracted to a butterfly tattoo. A woman with a free spirit, with a love of the countryside and an understanding of mother nature will find the butterfly tattoo hard to resist.

Where the girl tattoos are worn will also say something about her personality. A tattoo on a girls shoulder for instance will mean she is a romantic and maybe a day dreamer but she certainly won't be ashamed to admit either trait.

The dragonfly, butterfly or other animal tattood to a girls chest represent her strong motherly instincts and love of nature while girl tattoos below the navel may represent a return to innocence. On the lower back shows she has a strong faith and would never falter from her beliefs.

Girl tattoos come in many designs and once chosen many will represent a part of the girls character. Perhaps she doesn't yet know why she chose her tattoo but at some stage in her later life she will understand why she finally, after all that deliberation, chose the one she did.

Next time you approach a girl and you see she wears a tattoo, think about what the design represents and then compare it to her personality and put the theory to the test yourselfPsychology Articles, it works.

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